Dark Patterns: esempi, guida e check-up secondo le linee guida EDPB

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I Dark Patterns invalidano le informative legali

Installare un template, utilizzare un framework css: cosa c'è di piu' semplice ? Tuttaiva il DSA, digital service act, espressamente vieta l'uso dei dark patterns.

I dark patterns producono l'effetto di confondere i visitatori:
  • contenuti
  • interfacce
Non sono validi i consensi raccolti in contesti che usano dark patterns, cosi' come perdono valore le consulenze legali per generare informative complete.

Skipping - Deceptive snugness (Annex checklist 4.2.1)
Example 9: In this example, when users enter their birthdate, they are invited to choose with whom to share this information. Whereas less invasive options are available, the option “share it with everyone” is selected by default, meaning that everyone, i.e. registered users as well as any internet users, will be able to see the users’ birthdate

Skipping - Look over there (Annex 4.2.2)
Example 25: • The controller reports through texts that contain a lot of non-relevant information and omit the relevant details. • In security breaches that affect access credentials and other types of data, the controller declares that the data is encrypted or hashed, while this is only the case for passwords.

Skipping - Look over there (Annex 4.2.2)
Example 29: A cookie banner on the social media platform states “For delicious cookies, you only need butter, sugar and flour. Check out our favourite recipe here [link]. We use cookies, too. Read more in our cookie policy [link].”, along with an “okay” button.

Skipping - Deceptive Snugness (Annex checklist 4.2.1)
Example 39: Between the data visibility options “visible to me”, “to my closest friends” “to all my connections”, and “public”, the middle options “to all my connections” is pre-set. This means that all other users connected to them can see their contributions, as well as all information entered for signing-up to the social media platform, such as their email address or birthdate.

Skipping - Deceptive snugness (Annex checklist 4.2.1
Example 55: In the process of deleting their account, users are provided with two options to choose from: To delete their account or to pause it. By default, the pausing option is selected.

Skipping - Look over there (Annex checklist 4.2.2)
Example 56: After clicking on “Delete my account”, users are presented with the option to download their data, implemented as the right to portability, before deleting the account. When clicking to download their information, users are redirected on a download information page. However, once users have chosen what and how to download their data, they are not redirected to the deletion process.

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Giulia Nepi

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