Dark Patterns: esempi, guida e check-up secondo le linee guida EDPB

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I Dark Patterns invalidano le informative legali

Installare un template, utilizzare un framework css: cosa c'è di piu' semplice ? Tuttaiva il DSA, digital service act, espressamente vieta l'uso dei dark patterns.

I dark patterns producono l'effetto di confondere i visitatori:
  • contenuti
  • interfacce
Non sono validi i consensi raccolti in contesti che usano dark patterns, cosi' come perdono valore le consulenze legali per generare informative complete.

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.1)
Example 13: Information related to data subject rights is spread across the privacy notice. Although different data subject rights are explained in the section “Your options”, the right to lodge a complaint and the exact contact address is stated only after several sections and layers referring to different topics. The privacy notice therefore partly leaves out contact details at stages where this would be desirable and advisable.

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.1)
Example 14: The privacy policy is not divided into different sections with headlines and content. There are more than 70 pages provided. However, there is no navigation menu on the side or the top to allow users to easily access the section they are looking for. The explanation of the self-created term “creation data” is contained in a footnote on page 67.

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 38: Throughout the social media platform, nine out of ten data protection setting options are presented in the following order:

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 38: Throughout the social media platform, nine out of ten data protection setting options are presented in the following order:

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 38: Throughout the social media platform, nine out of ten data protection setting options are presented in the following order:

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 38: Throughout the social media platform, nine out of ten data protection setting options are presented in the following order:

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 38: Throughout the social media platform, nine out of ten data protection setting options are presented in the following order:

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 38: Throughout the social media platform, nine out of ten data protection setting options are presented in the following order:

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 38: Throughout the social media platform, nine out of ten data protection setting options are presented in the following order:

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 38: Throughout the social media platform, nine out of ten data protection setting options are presented in the following order:

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 38: Throughout the social media platform, nine out of ten data protection setting options are presented in the following order:

Fickle - Decontextualising (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 41: The data protection settings are difficult to find in the user account, as on the first level, there is no menu chapter with a name or heading that would lead in that direction. Users must look up other submenus such as “Security”.

Fickle - Decontextualising (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 42: Changing the setting is hindered since in the social media platform’s desktop version, the “save” button for registering their changes is not visible with all the options, but only at the top of the submenu. Users are likely to overlook it and wrongly assume their settings are saved automatically, therefore moving to another page without clicking on the "save" button. This problem does not occur in the app and mobile versions. Therefore, it creates additional confusion for users moving from the mobile/app to the desktop version, and can make them think they can only change their settings in the mobile version or the app

Fickle - Lacking Hierarchy (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 49: The social media platform offers different versions (desktop, app, mobile browser). In each version, the settings (leading to access/objection etc.) are displayed with a different symbol, leaving users who switch between versions confused.

Fickle - Decontextualising (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 59: On the social media platform XY, the link to deactivate or delete the account is found in the “Your XY Data” tab.

Fickle - Decontextualising (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 60: The actual tab to erase an account is found in the section “delete a function of your account”.

Fickle - Decontextualising (Annex checklist 4.5.2)
Example 60: The actual tab to erase an account is found in the section “delete a function of your account”.

Ci sono più esempi per le stesse categorie

Chi siamo

Un team affiatato di consulenti legali, privacy, informatici e marketing che parlano chiaro. Come te.

Giulia Nepi

Giulia Nepi

avvocato civilista

Avvocato civilista
Consulente privacy.

Valentino Spataro

Valentino Spataro

Privacy consultant
WordPress dev

Consulente privacy
Sviluppo WordPress e app.


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